「小羊が第六の封印を解いた時、わたしが見ていると、大地震が起って、太陽は毛織の荒布のように黒くなり、月は全面、血のようになり、 13天の星は、いちじくのまだ青い実が大風に揺られて振り落されるように、地に落ちた。 14天は巻物が巻かれるように消えていき、すべての山と島とはその場所から移されてしまった。 15地の王たち、高官、千卒長、富める者、勇者、奴隷、自由人らはみな、ほら穴や山の岩かげに、身をかくした。 16そして、山と岩とにむかって言った、「さあ、われわれをおおって、御座にいますかたの御顔と小羊の怒りとから、かくまってくれ。 17御怒りの大いなる日が、すでにきたのだ。だれが、その前に立つことができようか」。
■12-14 までは天変地異について描かれているが、字義的か霊的か?
Today we're starting with the sixth seal. We learned up to the seventh seal. I'd like to summarize what I've learned.
■The sixth seal
Revelation 6: 12-17
"When the Lamb lifted the sixth seal, I looked, and there was a great earthquake, and the sun was black like sackcloth, and the moon was all like blood, 13 and the stars of the heavens fell to the earth as the blue fruit of a fig was shaken off by a great wind. 14 The heavens were gone like a scroll, and all the mountains and islands were removed from their places. 15 All the kings of the earth, the princes, the 1000 princes, the rich, the brave, the slaves, and the free hid themselves in caves and behind the rocks of the mountains. 16 And he said to the mountains and the rocks, "Cover us, and shelter us from the face of the One on the throne and the wrath of the Lamb. 17 The great day of His wrath has come. Who can stand before it?."
■This passage begins with scenes from Ezekiel, Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and other scriptures related to the Old Testament concept of the “Lord's Day”. These scenes are the result of the curse of the breach of the covenant. The offender faces the ultimate consequence of being separated from God.
■In the Old Testament, the Lord's Day is used to mean the final judgment of earthly history, but in the New Testament it is applied to the Cross of Jesus, the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and events associated with the Second Coming.
■Up to 12-14 are descriptions of natural disasters, but are they literal or spiritual?
->They are considered literal. This is because the Greek word "hose" is used, which is equivalent to "as" in English, to compare the literal real thing with the figurative.
■What does this celestial phenomenon tell us?
It has been repeated several times throughout history. Dark days in North America, great meteors, etc. But there has never been a time when the heavens are swept away. This is thought to occur just before the end of the world. But Isaiah 54:10 and Nahum 1:5-8 describe the promise that the Lord of mercy will protect his people in the event of such a terrible catastrophe.
■15-17 describes the events of the Day of the Second Coming itself. "Who can stand before it?" This important question is also asked of us today. We see this as the preface to Chapter 7.
■The Seventh Seal
Revelation 8:1
"When the Lamb lifted the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for half an hour."
■There are four possible interpretations of this silence. It cannot be determined.
1)The silence of God. Because justice has already been fulfilled.
2)The silence at the beginning. Before the creation of God in Genesis, the earth was in a state of darkness and silence. It is the silence before the beginning of God's new creation.
3)The astonishing silence of the universe witnessing the destruction of evil. The silence contrasted with the sound of praise echoing through the universe when the Lamb received the scroll.
4)The silence of the court of judgment when the scroll was opened.
■The Spiritual Lessons of the Seals of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh
Martyrs who followed Jesus gave their lives on each cross. We want to remember that we already have an example before us to follow even if the worst happens. But Jesus was raised. We too are raised from the dead and justice is upheld. This is the message of the whole seal story.